Minority group admissions at UCLA decrease

Friday, April 5, 1996 Application review process changes may have led to drop in acceptance rateBy Rachanee Srisavasdi Daily Bruin Staff Due to a change in UCLA’s admissions process, the acceptance rate of certain minority groups for the fall 1996 freshman class decreased significantly from last year. The number of accepted Latino, American Indian and […]

Videotaped beating elicits response from community

Friday, April 5, 1996 Some call for police reform, others find deputies justifiedBy Brooke Olson and Patrick Marantal Daily Bruin Staff As the FBI begins a civil-rights investigation into the videotaped beating of two illegal immigrants, outraged members of the UCLA community call for police reform while others said the beating was justified. On Monday, […]

Student government booklending program expanded

Friday, April 5, 1996 Association seeks to make project permanent serviceBy Brooke Olson Daily Bruin Staff Students have another chance to receive free textbooks this quarter as the student government expands its booklending program. Last quarter, the council organized the Students First! Booklending Program, which doubled the number of course textbooks available in Towell Library, […]

April Fool’s letter seen favorably on campus

Friday, April 5, 1996 SAGE makes stir, but university still opposes grad unionBy Michael Angell Daily Bruin Contributor What began as the delivery of a prank letter ended in the anomaly of actual discussion between the Students Association of Graduate Employees (SAGE) and the university administration. Two representatives of the organization went to Chancellor Charles […]


Friday, April 5, 1996 Over the last several decades, MEChA has united Chicanas and Chicanos at UCLA to fight for civil rights, improve economic conditions and empower the communities they came fromBy Patrick Marantal Daily Bruin Staff Born out of the civil rights movement in the late 1960s, el Movimiento Estudiantil Chicana y Chicano de […]

News basks in glow of Joint Commission review

Friday, April 5, 1996 Hospital’s rating upgraded from ’95 conditional statusBy Donna Wong Special to The Bruin After nursing wounds from an investigation prompted by a patient complaint, UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute Hospital (NPIH) is back on track again with a glowing review and full three-year accreditation. Recently, the hospital, which specializes in the housing and […]