Monday, April 22, 1996 Environmental issues of years past enjoyed greater public support than they do today. Has interest in protecting the Earth become extinct?By Susan Lee Daily Bruin Contributor Between Ackerman Union and the men’s gym, a towering pile of beer and other aluminum cans lay outside as students were encouraged to add to […]
Category Archives: News
Andi Meck
Monday, April 22, 1996 UCSA hosts ‘color’ful conference Student activists across California seek political directionBy Patrick Marantal Daily Bruin Staff Delegates from the northern California College of Siskiyous at Weed to the University of California, San Diego, migrated to UCLA to discuss issues affecting students of color. For three days, 175 students at both the […]
Unconventional ‘wisdom’ lands in Meyerhoff
Monday, April 22, 1996 Galactic candidate for president urges reform of Earth’s money systemBy Michael Angell Daily Bruin Contributor "Surely some great revelation is at hand! Surely the second coming is at hand.!" Â W.B. Yeats "The Second Coming" No sooner are these words spoken when a vision of a Cosmic Channel from Galactica descends […]
Isreali attacks kill 75 in south Lebanon
Friday, April 19, 1996 Local leaders call for immediate end to recent violenceBy John Digrado Daily Bruin Staff After nine days of fighting, Israeli forces continued their offensive against Hezbollah militia factions in southern Lebanon Thursday as the region exploded in renewed violence. An Israeli artillery barrage slammed into a U.N. base yesterday, and a […]
Campus auto thefts on the rise
Friday, April 19, 1996 The Club and fancy alarms are no match for professional thieves. Police stress using basic precautions.By Marie Blanchard Daily Bruin Contributor David Bridgewater, a third-year UCLA medical student, has qualms about parking in the campus parking structures. "I definitely think about it twice and I look around with a wary eye […]
Jewish plight remebered during Holocaust Memorial Week
Friday, April 19, 1996 By Patrick Marantal Daily Bruin Staff Throughout UCLA’s Holocaust Awareness Week, members of the campus’ Jewish community commemorated the deaths of millions that occurred more than 50 years ago. From Monday to Wednesday, members of Hillel and the Jewish Student Union sponsored programs throughout campus to educate the community about the […]
Students make a science out of MCAT preparations
Friday, April 19, 1996 Time, money invested into improving test score By Rachanee Srisavasdi Daily Bruin Staff After months of dedicated studying and pent-up stress, thousands of pre-med school students nationwide plan to take the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) Saturday. To some students, the MCAT is the most important test of their lives. "The […]