Nigerian advocates end to homeland’s corruption

Wednesday, April 24, 1996 Olorunyomi calls for international pressure during visitBy Michael Angell Daily Bruin Contributor Even though Nigeria is thousands of miles away, its connections are as close as Gayley and Le Conte Avenues. That’s where the Shell and Chevron gas stations are, and both do business with Nigeria’s military government. A Nigerian journalist […]

Mark Bingener..

Wednesday, April 24, 1996 Candidate for Internal Vice President Internal vice president candidate Mark Bingener sees himself as the average UCLA student. "I’m the typical Bruin," Bingener said. "I go to class, hang out, have fun and I think I could be a fair and impartial person in student government." A member of the Bruin […]

Milly Diaz

Wednesday, April 24, 1996 Candidate for Internal Vice President Internal vice presidential candidate Milly Diaz describes herself as amiable, and she wants the council to reflect her sentiment. "It’s very important that council be approachable and accessible to students," said Diaz, a United Students member. Her most important goal is to involve both the first-year […]

Christopher Hecht

Wednesday, April 24, 1996 Candidate for External Vice President External vice president candidate Christopher Hecht’s goals are social ­ not political. His main objective is to convince the university to allow the sale of alcohol at the Rose Bowl during football games. "I’m not advocating drinking, but this can be a great revenue builder for […]

Glenn Inanaga..

Wednesday, April 24, 1996 Candidate for Internal Vice President Glenn Inanaga, an internal vice presidential candidate, believes student government should serve the students ­ not govern them. "The council is nothing without the support of the students," said Inanaga, a Students First! member. "Without that support, we are truly ineffective when it comes to change." […]