Negativity infuences campaigning

Wednesday, May 1, 1996 Candidates argue mudslinging turns off student votersBy Brooke Olson Daily Bruin Staff Historically, political campaigns are notorious for mudslinging ­ and this year’s undergraduate elections are no exception. With only a week given for student candidates to announce their political beliefs on Bruin Walk, this year’s elections have not been immune […]

U.S. mediated cease-fire met with skepticism

Tuesday, April 30, 1996 Community leaders feel solution may be only temporaryBy John Digrado Daily Bruin Staff After 16 days of continuous fighting, south Lebanese refugees began to return to their homes Saturday when a U.S.-brokered cease-fire between Hezbollah factions and Israel took effect at dawn. For many, the homecoming was bittersweet. Civilians and government […]

Sandwiched in politics

Tuesday, April 30, 1996 (Above) United Students volunteers sign out "sandwich boards" to wear on campus in support of their favorite candidates. (Below) Sabrina Smith, a former undergraduate external vice president and a longtime campus activist, explains the Student First! slate to P.J. Gagajena, a first-year undeclared student. Elections will begin Wednesday.

Student credit union merges with private firm

Tuesday, April 30, 1996 First Financial has pledged to maintain student involvementBy Lia Ramsey Daily Bruin Contributor Westwood Student Federal Credit Union completed a merger today with a private credit union, eking its way out of a debt that could have completely shut down the student-run operation. The merger with First Financial Federal Credit Union […]

ASUCLA Board drops elected student members

Monday, April 29, 1996 Students association succumbs to chancellor’s ultimatumBy Rachel Kelley Daily Bruin Contributor Any illusions of independence by the students’ association were shattered by Chancellor Charles Young’s threat to dissolve the student run organization if elected officials were not removed from the board. With teary eyes, beat-red faces and heads buried in their […]

Candidates to debate in plaza

Monday, April 29, 1996 Undergraduate election campaigning usually involves flyers, sandwich boards and endorsements by various campus organizations. But candidates for undergraduate president will discuss student issues today, in an hour-long debate at 1:30 p.m. in Westwood Plaza. The event is sponsored by the Daily Bruin and will be moderated by Editor-in-Chief Roxane Márquez. This […]