Immigration bill may hurt state economy

Wednesday, May 8, 1996 Senate bill proposes tightening restrictions on undocumented labor By John Digrado Daily Bruin Staff Jumping on a recent legislative bandwagon against illegal immigration, the Senate overwhelmingly approved a bill last week that may have dramatic effects on Southern California businesses. The bill proposes to make migrating north more difficult for illegal […]

Now what?

Tuesday, May 7, 1996 By Patrick Kerkstra Daily Bruin Senior Staff "Euphoria." That’s the word president-elect John Du chose to describe the feeling that hit him immediately after the Students First! slate’s landslide victory in last Thursday’s undergraduate council elections was announced. Du, who defeated United Students candidate Brad Miller and Bruin Vision candidate J.D. […]

Educators discuss business

Monday, May 6, 1996 Cabinet officer, officials weigh privatizationBy Phillip Carter Daily Bruin Senior Staff Speaking before a skeptical audience of 300 educators and business people in Century City on Saturday, Education Secretary Richard Riley preached the values of education technology. He demanded more business activism in schools to build the next century’s work force. […]

Anti-immigrant rally draws 200

Monday, May 6, 1996 Protest calls for speedy enforcement of Proposition 187By Michael Angell Daily Bruin Contributor About 200 flag-waving, hardhat- wearing protesters yesterday called for the closure of America’s borders. An anti-immigration group called American Spring organized the protest outside the Federal Building along Wilshire Boulevard which attracted support from drivers passing by. "We’re […]

The Tradition Continues

Monday, May 6, 1996The American Indian Association sponsored the UCLA Pow Wow, at which members of 30 different tribes performed. The event also included arts and crafts, information booths, native foods and dancing. The 11th annual UCLA Pow Wow was held on Saturday and Sunday on the intramural field. FRED HE/Daily Bruin FRED HE/Daily Bruin […]