The sky’s the limit

Wednesday, May 22, 1996 Planetarium re-opens during Engineering Week for a series of laser shows after being adopted as a student projectBy Vinayaka Pandit Daily Bruin Contributor When they first turned on the projector, they expected a laser light show. Instead, they were left in the smoky darkness of their surroundings. Electrical engineering students have […]

Communities respond to Court ruling…

Wednesday, May 22, 1996 Reversal of Colorado anti-homosexual law creates legality debatesBy Patrick Marantal Daily Bruin Staff Monday, the Supreme Court struck down a Colorado law which would deny homosexuals constitutional protection and make them "unequal to everyone else." While California is far from the epicenter, the state has felt the aftershocks. While members of […]

Nurse files unfair laborcharges against UCLA

Wednesday, May 22, 1996 Public Employment Relations Board to hear case todayBy Tiffany McElroy Daily Bruin Contributor After working as a nurse in the UCLA Medical Center for 10 years, Rosario Hurley filed an unfair labor practice charge against the human resources department in the Coronary Observation Unit. Hurley’s charges will be heard this morning […]

$45 million gift yields new research center

Tuesday, May 21, 1996Donation for inter- disciplinary building largest ever in UCsBy Gil Hopenstand Daily Bruin Senior Staff A $45 million donation–the largest charitable gift from an individual donor in the history of the University of California–will manifest itself in a new research facility on campus. The seven-story complex to be built at the corner […]