Feminist group denied sponsorship

Friday, May 31, 1996 Unclear guidelines, timeliness cited as reason for council’s decisionBy Patrick Marantal Daily Bruin Staff Feminist student group Womynist Collective received a severe blow Tuesday in their battle for university recognition. In a 3-2 vote Tuesday, the undergraduate council denied the campus feminist group sponsorship, which would make the organization an official […]

‘Race to erase’ multiple sclerosis begins anuual meet at UCLA tomorrow

Friday, May 31, 1996 Celebrity fundraiser aims to speed efforts at discovering cureBy Rachel Kelley Daily Bruin Contributor The Fourth Annual Race To Erase MS, a fundraiser for multiple sclerosis featuring numerous professional athletes and celebrities, will kick off Saturday at 9 a.m. at Drake Stadium. The purpose of this sporting event is to raise […]

Showcasing a struggle – Banned exhbit shows health issues affecting farm workers

Thursday, May 30, 1996 By Toni Dimayuga Daily Bruin Contributor The many posters in glass cases outside the Biomedical Library tell the tale of a people’s struggle and hardship. The posters, along with books, photographs and documents, are part of the exhibit ¡Sí se puede! César E. Chávez and His Legacy, which will run through […]