Josh Geffon

Wednesday, June 5, 1996 Josh Geffon, a second-year political-science student, has been elected as president of the Jewish Student Union. In the upcoming year, Geffon said he hopes to restructure the organization and provide programs that increase interaction with the UCLA student body. "What we would like to do is provide programming for (both) unaffiliated […]

Changing of the guard

Wednesday, June 5, 1996 While Bob Dole and Bill Clinton campaign for the November presidential elections, student activist communities have already chosen leaders to work for their respective causes. According to undergraduate President York Chang, the responsibilities of student group leaders vary among positions. "They are elected to represent the organization and the needs of […]

Kandea Mosley

Wednesday, June 5, 1996 With leadership comes responsibility, and Kandea Mosley, a third-year African American studies student, has many plans on how to fulfill her duties as the newly-elected chair of the African Student Union (ASU). In the upcoming year, Mosley plans to expand outreach and services to UCLA African students, and increase the retention […]

Students arrested in alleged rape case

Thursday, June 6, 1996 Incident reportedly happened during fraternity retreatBy Marie Blanchard Daily Bruin Contributor Three UCLA students were arrested on charges of rape early Saturday morning after a fellow student accused them of sexually assaulting her at a fraternity sponsored weekend event. The three undergraduate students, Kristof Hamrick, 21, Cheyenne Joseph Mount, 20 and […]

Communities react to hype, stereotypes

Thursday, June 6, 1996 Feminist groups to hold rally tonight protesting alleged greek involvementBy Marie Blanchard and Brooke Olson Daily Bruin Staff Reports of an alleged gang rape by Zeta Beta Tau fraternity members drew swarms of television crews and newspaper reporters to the campus, prompting heated debates over whether fraternities breed aggressive sexual behavior. […]

Roselma Samala

Wednesday, June 5, 1996 With hopes of healing divisions within the Pilipino campus community, Roselma Samala has earned the presidency of Samahang Pilipino. "There is a lot of disunity among the Pilipino organizations on-campus," said Samala, a fourth-year sociology student. "One of my plans is to try to bring together all Pilipino campus organizations and […]