Sunday, July 21, 1996 ASUCLA faces similar problems, remains optimisticBy Scott P. Stimson Summer Bruin Contributor The beginning of Fall quarter may find UCLA alone as the only UC campus with a student-owned and controlled bookstore, as UC Berkeley’s bookstore and student store face a university takeover, ending more than a century of student control. […]
Category Archives: News
Mo’ Money Mo’ Money Mo’ Money
Sunday, July 14, 1996 Revenue from food price hikes will fund facilities renovationsBy Michael Angell Summer Bruin Contributor Start digging through your pockets, behind couch cushions, and into that jar of pennies on the desk. Why? Because ASUCLA Food Services has just raised its food prices. Not by much, though. Customers should expect to pay […]
Rape charges dropped against UCLA students
Sunday, July 14, 1996 Blood alcohol test results negative on woman, three menBy Marie Blanchard Summer Bruin Senior Staff The Riverside district attorney’s office announced last week they would not file charges against three UCLA students who were accused of raping another student at a Palm Springs party last month. Last Wednesday at noon, prosecutors […]
Death of transient, recent assaults raise concern
Sunday, July 14, 1996 Amid sympathy lies increased focus on safety, civil libertiesBy Karen Duryea and Han N. Pham Summer Bruin Senior Staff He had always been there, in the midst of students crammed too full of future dreams to notice. That was until June 21, when any glimmer of hope for his future went […]
Child at Unicamp mauled by bear cub in Angeles National Forest
Sunday, July 14, 1996 Aggressive animal caught after officials entice it with foodBy Matthew Scrabis Summer Bruin Contributor An 8-year-old boy on a week long UCLA Unicamp trip was mauled by a bear last Wednesday. Juan Valle was sleeping on a cot in an outdoors campground at Camp Singing Pines in Angeles National Forest when […]
Berkeley¹s chancellor resigns
Sunday, July 14, 1996 Chang-Lin Tien greatly supported the students, campusBy John Digrado Summer Bruin Senior Staff Citing his desire to devote more time to his family and research, UC Berkeley Chancellor Chang-Lin Tien announced early last Tuesday that he would end his six-year reign over the flagship campus no later than June 30, 1997. […]
Dole and Clinton battle to clinch California’s vote in November elections
Sunday, July 7, 1996 By Patrick Marantal Summer Bruin Staff With the November elections ahead, California has become the latest battlefield for the Democratic and Republican parties. And with over 50 electoral votes at stake, GOP presidential nominee Bob Dole is attempting to solicit the state vote. "California has 54 electoral votes. Bill Clinton can’t […]