Suntans and surfbums

Sunday, July 28, 1996 Summer sun draws flocks of sunbathers and other warm-weather worshippers outdoorsBy Karen Duryea Summer Bruin Senior Staff Grab your towels and sunscreen, because it’s sunbathing weather at UCLA. Sunset Recreation, The Franklin D. Murphy Sculpture Garden, and Meyerhoff Park are just some of the popular areas for non-hibernating Bruins to catch […]

Carter Fisk

Monday, July 29, 1996 Southern California coast bombarded by 12-foot waves, surfers enjoy the wild rideBy Karen Duryea Summer Bruin Senior Staff "Big." That is the word Kevin Gaunt, a surfer and fourth-year public relations student used to describe last week’s uncharacteristic summer waves. Body surfers rode waves that swelled as high as 12 feet […]

Undergraduate tuition holds steady for 1996-97

Sunday, July 28, 1996 New California budget allocates $2.06 billion to UCsBy Adriene Hill Summer Bruin Contributor We can all uncross our fingers and stop holding our breath. The new California state budget has been approved, and undergraduate mandatory tuition will not increase at any of the University of California (UC) campuses for the upcoming […]

Berkeley’s bookstore faces financial crisis, takeover

Sunday, July 21, 1996 ASUCLA faces similar problems, remains optimisticBy Scott P. Stimson Summer Bruin Contributor The beginning of Fall quarter may find UCLA alone as the only UC campus with a student-owned and controlled bookstore, as UC Berkeley’s bookstore and student store face a university takeover, ending more than a century of student control. […]