Sunday, August 25, 1996 By Linda Yoon Summer Bruin Contributor The heat of the summer brings to UCLA a glimpse of new beginnings and additions to the Bruin community. They are the incoming freshmen: braving three-day treks into the Freshman Orientation program. Ripe with quirky gimmicks and informative aids, the program is available to help […]
Category Archives: News
UCLA suspends ZBT charter during Fall ’96
Sunday, August 25, 1996 Fraternity prohibited from school-sponsored events; alcohol violations citedBy Scott P. Stimson Summer Bruin Contributor On Tuesday, Aug. 20, UCLA officials announced their decision to suspend the Zeta Beta Tau (ZBT) fraternity’s charter during the Fall 1996 quarter for violations of university alcohol policies that occurred at ZBT’s weekender party in Palm […]
Republicans look to broaden appeal
Sunday, August 18, 1996 Party sets differences aside to unite behind Dole at convention By John Digrado Summer Bruin Senior Staff SAN DIEGO — Heralding a new era in American politics, thousands of Republican delegates and politicians formally kicked off their party’s bid for the White House last week with their four-day National Convention in […]
Green Party visits Dykstra Hall
Monday, August 19, 1996 Group’s platform focuses on progressive activism, involvement of young peopleBy Scott Stimson Summer Bruin Contributor A week after the Republicans finished their national convention in San Diego, the Green Party came to UCLA to hold their first national presidential convention. They came with unshaven legs and faces, a "power to the […]
The Iranian American Festival
Monday, August 19, 1996 PATRICK LAM/Daily BruinAMY PENG/Daily BruinPATRICK LAM/Daily Bruin JUSTIN WARREN/Daily BruinJUSTIN WARREN/Daily Bruin(Clockwise from top) Twenty thousand people were expected to attend the Iranian-American Summer Festival Saturday and Sunday. Wearing a Lebasse Mahalee made by her mother, Saba Riazati, 10, watches a comic skit titled "Naneh Salimeh." Musicians play Persian music for […]
Delegates include women, minorities in their ‘big tent’
Sunday, August 18, 1996 By John Digrado Summer Bruin Senior Staff SAN DIEGO — Before the Republican delegation met in San Diego last week, the future of the party seemed uncertain at best. With only days to go before the kickoff Bob Dole’s bid for the presidency, the unity of the party seemed to hang […]
Helium-filled airships hope in ozone repair
Monday, August 19, 1996 UCLA physicist developed zinc screens to reverse depletionBy Scott Stimson Summer Bruin Contributor The solution to ozone layer depletion and the preservation of life on the planet may very well come from UCLA. At the UCLA Plasma Physics Laboratory, co-directed by physicist Dr. Alfred Wong, in an attempt to repair the […]