Aurora Borealis

By Karen Duryea Daily Bruin Senior Staff URSA muffin? Although it may sound like a strange gastrointestinal problem developed from registering for classes over the phone, relax. It’s actually part of the "stellar" theme of ASUCLA’s food services newest addition to North Campus. Located behind Rolfe Hall, Northern Lights Coffeehouse opened Monday to become one […]

Berkeley starts $1.1 billion fundraising effort

By Phillip Carter Daily Bruin Staff SAN FRANCISCO — Seizing the spotlight at an otherwise tepid Board of Regents meeting, UC Berkeley Chancellor Chang-Lin Tien kicked off the public phase of that campus’s $1.1 billion "New Century" fundraising campaign last week – the largest ever for an American public university. Without dissent, a UC Regents […]

Debate inside less boisterous than violent ruckus outside

By John Digrado Daily Bruin Senior Staff NORTHRIDGE — Buffered from the chants and shouts of anti-Proposition 209 protesters, the hotly-contested debate between former Ku Klux Klan member David Duke and Los Angeles civil rights activist Joe Hicks took place on schedule and with little interruption Wednesday. While activists and police clashed on the Cal […]

UCLA suspends ZBT charter during Fall ’96

Sunday, August 25, 1996 Fraternity prohibited from school-sponsored events; alcohol violations citedBy Scott P. Stimson Summer Bruin Contributor On Tuesday, Aug. 20, UCLA officials announced their decision to suspend the Zeta Beta Tau (ZBT) fraternity’s charter during the Fall 1996 quarter for violations of university alcohol policies that occurred at ZBT’s weekender party in Palm […]

Despite delays, Ackerman could set to open Sept 16

Sunday, August 25, 1996 Contractor’s setbacks resulted from need to stay open during constructionBy Michael Angell Summer Bruin Staff When UCLA ROTC Quartermaster Garry Cope looked toward the Ackerman expansion from his office door about a month ago, he couldn’t believe his eyes. From his office in the Men’s Gymnasium, he could see the seemingly […]