Project Linus gives sick children a little security

By Kathryn Combs Daily Bruin Contributor Too young to understand her surroundings, 16-month-old Reiana Carr innocently tinkered with her pre-school toys in the playroom of UCLA’s Children’s Hospital. A heart monitor trailed behind her, restricting her play. Reiana Carr seemed content, but in times like these, a hospital can be an impersonal, scary place for […]

Reward money to convict campus slayer increase

By John Digrado Daily Bruin Senior Staff In response to the Sept. 15 murder of 37-year-old Central Ticket Office employee Kevin Jeske, the Los Angeles City Council and County Board of Supervisors have each approved $10,000 contributions to the reward pool for information leading to the arrest and successful prosecution of Jeske’s murderer. The total […]

Slang UCLA style

By Karen Duryea Daily Bruin Senior Staff A pump and a quiver, ace, aggro, airhead, airtight, all (as in be all, be all like etc.) and all-nighter. Are you down with that? Because these are the first seven words found in "U.C.L.A. Slang 2 ," a dictionary written by 25 students from UCLA. But it’s […]