Monday, October 28, 1996 ASUCLA: Board members expect to turn a profit by the year 2000By Frances Lee Daily Bruin Contributor Hurt by the delayed opening of the remodeled and expanded Ackerman Union, the students’ association Board of Directors expect to suffer a loss of $3.3 million during the 1996-97 fiscal year. The speculated loss, […]
Category Archives: News
Many communities, one dream
Monday, October 28, 1996 Students, doctors come together to provide free health care for South Central residentsBy Kathryn Combs Daily Bruin Contributor On April 29, 1992, the day of the Rodney King verdict, an already economically-challenged community was ravaged by its own people. Four years after the riots, the South Central Los Angeles community, along […]
Vietnamese students gather to learn college options
Monday, October 28, 1996 CONFERENCE: VSU shares information on campus life, financial aidBy Linda Yoon Daily Bruin Contributor Early Saturday morning, volunteers from the Vietnam Student Union and about 200 students from various high schools gathered in Young Hall for the 13th Annual Vietnamese Refugee Aids Committee High School Conference. Established in 1983, this conference […]
Community Briefs
Monday, October 28, 1996 Seeds Elementary to hold carnival Nov. 3 The University Elementary School will introduce a new mini-Bruin mascot to students and the general public on Nov. 3. Seeds Elementary School, the lab school of the UCLA Graduate School of Education, will host its annual Family School Alliance Carnival from 11 a.m. to […]
A closer look at proposition 207
Monday, October 28, 1996 By AJ Harwin Daily Bruin Contributor Put on the California ballot by petition signatures, Proposition 207 or the "Attorneys. Fees. Right to Negotiate. Frivolous Lawsuits" initiative is considered one of the most obscure and least significant initiatives of all the propositions on this year’s ballot. However, critics of the ballot claim […]
USAC spending brews controversy; council officials deny wrongdoing
Friday, October 25, 1996 ACTIVISM: Resentment stems from belief student fees are being used for political gainsBy Scott P. Stimson Daily Bruin Contributor The Undergraduate Student Association Council’s spending of mandatory student fees has created a fissure within the UCLA community. Conflicting court decisions have only added to the ambiguity of the situation. According to […]
Prop. 209 mystifies foreign journalists
Friday, October 25, 1996 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: UCLA officials attempted to explain U.S. politics to befuddled visitorsBy Hannah Miller Daily Bruin Contributor Imagine explaining California politics, Gov. Pete Wilson, the UC Regents and the affirmative action controversy to 25 international journalists in under two hours. UCLA Financial Aid Director Ronald Johnson, Admissions Director Rae Lee Siporin […]