Wednesday, October 30, 1996 Proposition 209 debate to feature chancellor A debate on the merits of Proposition 209, the controversial ballot measure that would ban affirmative action programs in state government, will be held at 4 p.m. today in the James West Alumni Center. Moderated by Warren Olney, host of KCRW’s "Which Way L.A.," the […]
Category Archives: News
Party’s Over
Wednesday, October 30, 1996 Reckless Halloween festivities in seaside Santa Barbara community scaled back after three years of no-tolerance policies By Karen Duryea Daily Bruin Senior Staff SANTA BARBARA, Calif. — In the late 1980s, the seaside community of Isla Vista near the UC Santa Barbara campus was reputed by Playboy magazine to be "the […]
Food fighters make their advances
Tuesday, October 29, 1996 HOUSING: Survey could bring possible meal coupon reinstatement By Ryan Ozimek Daily Bruin Contributor Launching a campaign to bring back the now defunct meal coupon system for on-campus housing residents, the Undergraduate Students Association Council (USAC) is now working with Housing Administration to revive the program. Early last Friday morning, USAC […]
California Assembly members to debate their issue at UCLA
Tuesday, October 29, 1996 LOCAL POLITICS: Panel of students will hear candidates’ arguments By John Digrado Daily Bruin Senior Staff Wally Knox doesn’t seem all that worried about losing his seat in the California State Assembly. In fact, he’s quite certain that, come Nov. 5, he and his Democratic cohorts in both the Assembly and […]
Election ’96
Tuesday, October 29, 1996 A CLOSER LOOK AT PROPOSITION 211 By Cecilia Faissol Daily Bruin Contributor Proposition 211, or the "Attorney-Client Fee Arrangements. Securities Fraud. Lawsuits" initiative aims to prohibit restrictions on attorney-client fee arrangements. "It’s the cutting-edge, high paying jobs that are going to get (hurt) if this thing passes," said Taxpayers Against Frivolous […]
A marriage made at UCLA
Tuesday, October 29, 1996 MARRIAGE: A unique, romantic proposal left bride-to-be laughing with a Daily Bruin in her handBy Tiffany Lauter Daily Bruin Contributor When Ilana Makovoz, a fifth-year political science student picked up the Daily Bruin Oct. 10, she was shocked to see her photo staring back at her. This day marked the beginning […]
A closer look at proposition 207
Monday, October 28, 1996 By AJ Harwin Daily Bruin Contributor Put on the California ballot by petition signatures, Proposition 207 or the "Attorneys. Fees. Right to Negotiate. Frivolous Lawsuits" initiative is considered one of the most obscure and least significant initiatives of all the propositions on this year’s ballot. However, critics of the ballot claim […]