Key issues of Prop. 209 explored in forum

Thursday, October 31, 1996 DEBATE: Both sides of measure come together for enlightening debate on emotional matterBy Brooke Olson Daily Bruin Staff As the sky cleared outside, storm clouds brewed inside the Ackerman Grand Ballroom Wednesday as four widely outspoken individuals debated this year’s most provocative election issue ­ Proposition 209. Sponsored by the UCLA […]

Community Briefs

Thursday, October 31, 1996 Kelly accepts position as art department chair Artist and theorist Mary Kelly has been recruited as the new chair of the department of Art in the UCLA School of Arts and Architecture. Kelly, a visiting professor in the art department, will succeed Henry T. Hopkins, who became full-time director of the […]

Construction delay inflates expenses, decreases

Thursday, October 31, 1996 ASUCLA: Ackerman renovation, loss of revenue sends students’ association back for more loansBy Frances Lee Daily Bruin Contributor Four years and several million dollars ago, the Associated Students of UCLA (ASUCLA) could not have predicted that their renovation of Ackerman Union would bear so heavily on their successors. Confident that they […]

Local candidates debate issues at Ackerman

Wednesday, October 30, 1996 DEBATE: Contenders for State Assembly and Senate discuss UC system, Prop. 209 to low turnout of 60By Hannah Miller Daily Bruin Contributor The local races for the 42nd Assembly District and the 23rd Senate District came face to face Tuesday in the Ackerman Grand Ballroom, in a surprisingly issue-oriented but poorly-attended […]

Critic says politics, press unavoidably intertwined

Wednesday, October 30, 1996 MEDIA: Journalists knowingly influence voters, Times expert saysBy John Digrado Daily Bruin Senior Staff In his field, few are more qualified to criticize the press and its role in politics than David Shaw. The media knowingly influence the voter, changing the course of American politics and causing the public’s well-publicized apathy […]

Elections 96

Wednesday, October 30, 1996 A CLOSER LOOK AT PROPOSITION 215 By Tiffany Lauter Daily Bruin Contributor Marijuana has long been a substance of controversy. It finds its place in the spotlight once again this Nov. 5 in the form of Proposition 215, the legalization of marijuana for medical use. The intent of the initiative is […]