CALPIRG gets voters rolling

Tuesday, November 5, 1996 ELECTION: Giant kitchen gadget designed to draw support for Prop. 212, campaign finance reformBy Hannah Miller Daily Bruin Contributor Like a reformist Klingon spaceship, a 1-ton, 46-foot rolling pin occupied Westwood Plaza for half an hour Monday afternoon. The behemoth utensil, emblazoned with the words "YES ON 212, Flatten the Fat […]

Community Briefs

Berkeley grad students vote for three-day strike Members of UC Berkeley’s Association of Graduate Student Employees voted overwhelmingly last week to stage a three-day strike ­ a move expected to drive graduate student instructors out of their classrooms and onto the picket lines. The fall strike won the support of 82 percent of the association’s […]

1996 elections shaping up to be the most boring ever

Monday, November 4, 1996 NEWS ANALYSIS: Lack of real issues or differences between parties adds to the monotonyBy Christopher Bates Daily Bruin Staff Tricky Dick. Log Cabins. Read my lips. Know-nothings. I like Ike. Tippecanoe and Tyler too. Vote for Jerry’s wife. These are bits of the lore left to posterity from elections past. Just […]

Web sites: the next wave of campaigning

Monday, November 4, 1996 INTERNET: Instant electronic access provides information about the issues, provides grass roots campaigns with more exposureBy Phillip Hong Daily Bruin Staff Politicians are always talking about change. Change in the economy, change in the government and change in the electoral process. Campaigning in the 1996 election has in fact changed, however, […]

Students.debate merits of Clinton, Dole

Monday, November 4, 1996 ISSUES: Top concerns for Generation X include education, economy By Brooke Olson Daily Bruin Staff In a recent national survey, 18- to 24-year-olds were asked how older generations perceived them: "lazy," confused" and "apathetic" were their top answers. But when asked how they think of themselves, "ambitious," "determined" and "optimistic" topped […]

Political parties move to middle ground to woo voters

Monday, November 4, 1996 PARTIES: Democrats and Republicans usurp third-party issues to get votesBy Anne Mai Daily Bruin Contributor The difference between a Republican and Democratic candidate isn’t as clear as it used to be. To many disillusioned with this year’s presidential race, it seems that the donkey and the elephant have blended together as […]