Bruins deep-six Trojans

Monday, November 25, 1996 FOOTBALL: Underdogs come from behind to win in double overtimeBy Brent Boyd Daily Bruin Senior Staff There were no national championship implications. The conference title was not at stake. A Heisman Trophy candidate was nowhere to be seen. Nonetheless, in every sense of the word, Saturday’s battle was a classic. UCLA’s […]

And then there were 6

Monday, November 25, 1996Click here for a color photoessay of the game at the Sportszone (below) UCLA cheerleaders run flags around the Rose Bowl after a touchdown. (left) Skip Hicks celebrates after his game-tying touchdown with 39 seconds left. (bottom) Members of the UCLA Marching Band enter the Rose Bowl before the game.

Grad employees resume work, vow to strike again

Monday, November 25, 1996 SAGE: Though TAs still aren’t recognized by the university, last week deemed a successBy John Digrado and A.J. Harwin Daily Bruin Staff Wrapping up their five-day sojourn from their classrooms and laboratories, members of the Student Association of Graduate Employees (SAGE/UAW) declared their week-long strike a success, and voted to hold […]

Those were the days

Friday, November 22, 1996 Good-natured games replace inventive pranks such as manure dropsBy Annie Yang Daily Bruin Contributor In more than just the usual sense, the city of Los Angeles will once again become a battleground tomorrow. In lieu of gunfire, combatants will employ streamers, card stunts and airhorns. In place of tanks will be […]

Community Briefs

Friday, November 22, 1996Chimp treatment in ER raises questions Olive View Medical Center officials have launched an internal investigation into how an ailing baby chimpanzee was admitted and treated in its emergency room before dying there last weekend. The hospital has acknowledged that very unusual circumstances turned its doctors into acting veterinarians on Saturday. An […]

Academia reaches out to students through Facult

Friday, November 22, 1996 FACULTY: Participants create evening seminars, adding to dorms’ benefitsBy Carol McKay Daily Bruin Contributor Traci Mann’s living situation is interesting, to say the least. "For us," she said, "the weirdest thing is explaining it to other grown-ups. They always react funny, like ‘you’re living where? On purpose?’" As a participant of […]