Tuesday, November 26, 1996 ARTS: Mentor program gives at-risk children opportunity to succeedBy Daniel Jimenez Daily Bruin Contributor Ruben Guevara had not slept in three days. Greeting guests at the entrance of the Los Angeles Theater Sunday, only a faint semblance of exhaustion crossed his face as he answered questions and enthusiastically directed guests to […]
Category Archives: News
UC forced to consider decency act
Tuesday, November 26, 1996 INTERNET: Many experts stand against law, citing subjectivity of standardsBy Jennifer Mukai Daily Bruin Contributor The laws of the land are meeting the laws of science these days. As the 21st century draws closer, communications technology continues to evolve at a dizzying pace, with legislation scrambling to keep up. The Internet […]
Undergraduate Award recognizes two students
Tuesday, November 26, 1996 PROFILE: Academics, service to community among the criteriaBy Kathryn Combs Daily Bruin Contributor Anyone attending college can attest that the undergraduate years are the foundation of a successful academic or professional career. These years are where it all starts, where responsibility kicks in and the real world becomes … real. As […]
Community Briefs
Bar exam passing rate drops to 55.9 percent The passing rate on the California bar exam in July dropped to 55.9 percent, the second straight year of decline, the State Bar reported Monday. The bar said 4,184 of the 7,487 applicants passed the three-day test. Those who also pass the bar’s background check and other […]
And then there were 6
Monday, November 25, 1996Click here for a color photoessay of the game at the Sportszone (below) UCLA cheerleaders run flags around the Rose Bowl after a touchdown. (left) Skip Hicks celebrates after his game-tying touchdown with 39 seconds left. (bottom) Members of the UCLA Marching Band enter the Rose Bowl before the game.
Grad employees resume work, vow to strike again
Monday, November 25, 1996 SAGE: Though TAs still aren’t recognized by the university, last week deemed a successBy John Digrado and A.J. Harwin Daily Bruin Staff Wrapping up their five-day sojourn from their classrooms and laboratories, members of the Student Association of Graduate Employees (SAGE/UAW) declared their week-long strike a success, and voted to hold […]
Faculty exodus to Ivy Leage troubles UCLA
Monday, November 25, 1996 PROFESSORS: Benefits, salary prompt move to private universitiesBy Hannah Miller Daily Bruin Contributor Jeffrey Frieden could not resist the sirens of Harvard. Frieden, a tenured political science professor, left UCLA in 1995 after 12 years for the greener pastures of the Ivy League. Although he reports his "principal reason was personal," […]