Anderson School explores future of global business

Monday, January 13, 1997 FORUM: New strategies for a rapidly-changing marketplace discussedBy Frances Lee Daily Bruin Contributor Speaking to an audience of about 200 students, staff, faculty and alumni of The Anderson School at UCLA on Friday, various experts addressed one of the pressing questions in the global marketplace ­ whether to go east, go […]

The Word of God

Monday, January 13, 1997SUSIE MING HWA CHU/Daily Bruin Giampaolo Ladomato (center), 21, of Campus Ministries USA, speaks on Bruin Walk as students watch. Ladomato and his friend Tom Carlisle (not pictured), both from Michigan, travel to college campuses around the nation to preach. See related story, page 3.

Speaking out

Monday, January 13, 1997 By Carol McKay Daily Bruin Contributor There has been a lot of yelling on Bruin Walk lately. Speakers from Campus Ministries USA caught the attention of students on their way to class late last week, spreading their "word of God" and criticism of homosexuality and masturbation. And students have been telling […]

College freshman study provides record results

Monday, January 13, 1997 SURVEY: Students are earning higher grades, are more apt to volunteerBy Monica Paknad Daily Bruin Contributor Record numbers of college freshman nationwide are earning higher grades, using free time to volunteer, and treating financial aid as a basis of choosing a college, according to a UCLA study revealed today. The Fall […]

Community Briefs

Friday, January 10, 1997 UC Berkeley fraternity fire injures four A candle may have ignited a fire at a University of California-Berkeley fraternity house, injuring four people Thursday. Three residents of the Psi Upsilon fraternity house were treated for smoke inhalation at Alta Bates Hospital and were later released. A firefighter suffered a minor back […]

Shining on

Friday, January 10, 1997 Engineering students give LASERAMA a permanent home in the UCLA PlanetariumBy Brooke Olson Daily Bruin Staff he neon signs on the new Ackerman building are not the only bright lights blazing across the UCLA campus. Laser light shows developed and produced entirely by students are now being shown several nights a […]