Planting for the future

Tuesday, January 14, 1997 Docent program and wheelchair accessibility among the plans to revitalize gardenBy Julie Brighton Daily Bruin Contributor The Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden, an eight-acre spread displaying over half of the known plant families in the world, is renowned for its beauty and diversity. The garden, with its emphasis on neo-tropical flora, […]

Computer science professor dies after 29 years of service

Tuesday, January 14, 1997 FACULTY: Cancer claims life of distinguished professor and alumnusBy Karen Duryea Daily Bruin Senior Staff UCLA’s department of computer science lost a valued faculty member over the holiday break. David Frederic Martin, an engineering alumnus and professor of computer science for 29 years, died Dec. 22 of cancer at the age […]

UC Academic Senate’s efficacy, role to be evaluated

Tuesday, January 14, 1997 ADMINISTRATION: Relations with regents, jurisdiction among the issues facing task forceBy Brooke Olson Daily Bruin Staff The UC systemwide Academic Senate is undertaking an extensive review of its overall effectiveness as a partner in the UC’s system of shared governance. In one of the most substantial self-examinations in over 30 years, […]

Revamped UCLA store officially opens

Tuesday, January 14, 1997 ASUCLA: Association, students optimistic about new layout; Ackerman Union rededicatedBy Frances Lee Daily Bruin Contributor Amid the fanfare of blaring trumpets, the students’ association officially presented the new UCLA Store to the campus community on Monday. An early morning fire alarm didn’t dampen the spirits of those in attendance. Students, faculty, […]

Community Briefs

Budget proposal to offset rising UC costs California Governor Pete Wilson released his 1997-98 budget proposal last week, asking for state funds to freeze fee hikes and expand outreach programs. The budget proposes additional funds to avoid a UC Regent proposal to increase fees by 10 percent. In addition, the Governor also proposed $17.1 million […]

ASUCLA banks on redesigned Ackerman for financial revival

Tuesday, January 14, 1997 FINANCE: New student union allows association to project small profit for 1997-98By Frances Lee Daily Bruin Contributor Keeping their fingers crossed in hopes of a financial turnaround brought about by the reopening of Ackerman Union, the Associated Students of UCLA (ASUCLA) finally had a chance to pat themselves on the back […]

Affirmative action ban contested

Monday, January 13, 1997 GRAD SCHOOLS: Complaint claims diverse work force unattainable without student diversityBy Brooke Olson Daily Bruin Staff The UC Board of Regents’ ban on affirmative action was challenged Friday when two civil rights groups filed a formal complaint aimed at retaining race and gender preferences in University of California graduate school admissions. […]