Construction Corner

Thursday, January 30, 1997 Royce Hall is currently undergoing interior seismic upgrading. Trucks enter the site at Royce upper loading dock. Workers direct trucks and pedestrians. Rieber Dining Hall is currently open to Rieber residents, and will be open to all on-campus residents in February. At the Brain Mapping Building, located across the street from […]

Hospital sued for civil rights violations

Wednesday, January 29, 1997 LAWSUIT: Patients allege researchers did not reveal consequences of studyBy Gil Hopenstand Daily Bruin Staff With the trial date quickly approaching, a case alleging negligence by UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Hospital was expanded yesterday to include allegations of federal civil rights violations. State Superior Court Judge David Perez yesterday granted the request filed […]

Do it for the kids

Wednesday, January 29, 1997 Unity One hopes to bring peace to the streets by educating the next generation By Karen Duryea Daily Bruin Senior Staff The media have turned them into monsters, leading news broadcasts with stories of gang members involved with crime, death and drugs. Stereotypes of gang members are so prevalent that an […]

Community Briefs

Wednesday, January 29, 1997 Immigrants who stay here tend to do well A majority of immigrants from western Mexico who come to California legally or illegally return home within a few years, and those who stay tend to be educated and have good paying jobs, a study showed Tuesday. While it is common for immigrants […]

Store cited for selling alcohol to minors

Monday, January 27, 1997 CRIME: Expressmart’s liquor license was suspended for two weeks in JanuaryBy Hannah Miller Daily Bruin Contributor Village Expressmart, a much-frequented convenience store in Westwood, had its alcohol license temporarily revoked earlier this month as punishment for its second violation in the last year. A first violation, cited in April of last […]