140 laid off in lieu of recast lab positions

Monday, February 3, 1997 FACULTY: Union officials consider filing charge of unfair labor practiceBy Hannah Miller Daily Bruin Contributor The UCLA Medical Center laid off all 140 clinical lab technicians (CLT) last Friday from the department of pathology, three weeks after the layoff of all 79 of their supervisors. Hospital administrators hold that such layoffs […]

Student regent nominee juggles grad school and single parenting

Monday, February 3, 1997 REGENTS: McClymond’s concern with UC system, commitment to student government gave her the edge over other applicantsBy Tiffany Lauter Daily Bruin Contributor If getting out of bed in time for an eight o’clock class seems challenging, try incorporating an 8- year-old into the equation. Kathryn McClymond, the 36-year-old student regent nominee […]

As close as siblings or like distant enemies? Either way, roommates find that compromise is key.

Monday, February 3, 1997 As close as siblings or like distant enemies? Either way, roommates find that compromise is key.By Linda Yoon Daily Bruin Contributor Different tastes in music. Conflicting time schedules. Dirty dishes in the sink. Loud alarm clocks and peculiar late-night conversations. These are the details that either make or break roommate harmony. […]

Community Briefs

Monday, February 3, 1997 UCB chancellor search committee keeps quiet Members of a committee charged with finding potential replacements for Chancellor Chang-Lin Tien remained tight-lipped late last week about reports that UC Berkeley economist Laura D’Andrea Tyson is their top pick. According to a report in the Sacramento Bee, Tyson is a favorite of UC […]

Westwood health club seeks exemption from zoning plan

Friday, January 31, 1997 PETITION: Aesthetics, parking, facilities cited by Better Bodies’ opponentsBy Rachel Muñoz Daily Bruin Contributor Better Bodies, a local Westwood gym 400 to 500 members strong, is experiencing a few hurdles in bettering its members’ bodies. Owners of the gym have halted membership sales because their current location violates city planning codes. […]

Student needs the focus of campaign

Friday, January 31, 1997 RANKINGS: Universities’ main priority should be education, not research, claims groupBy J. Sharon Yee Daily Bruin Contributor After paying registration fees, waiting in long lines to buy books, trying to track down inaccessible professors, and dodging a variety of construction sites on the way to class, some UCLA students wonder: "What […]

Standing Out

Friday, January 31, 1997 Many grad students hardly have time to think, let alone run a student government. But, somehow, GSA President Chris Tymchuk finds the time.By A.J. Harwin Daily Bruin Contributor hile most South Campus graduate students can barely make the time to get out of the lab for a soda, Chris Tymchuk spends […]