Community Briefs

Affirmative action backers denounce UC Berkeley chancellor Denouncing his handling of recent anti-affirmative action legislation, approximately half a dozen protesters from the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action By Any Means Necessary picketed a reception in honor of UC Berkeley Chancellor Chang-Lin Tien on Sunday. While faculty members chatted with the chancellor inside Barrows Hall, where […]

Cancer claims popular law professor at age 47

Friday, February 7, 1997 FACULTY: Eule’s zest for life touched his students, colleagues and familyBy J. Sharon Yee Daily Bruin Contributor UCLA’s School of Law suffered a tremendous loss last week with the death of a highly valued and well-respected professor. Julian Eule, a professor at UCLA since 1984 and associate dean from 1992-1995, died […]

Innovative program links police and public

Friday, February 7, 1997 UCPD: Civilians on staff fill specialized administrative positions so that sworn officers can focus on beatsBy Scott P. Stimson Daily Bruin Contributor Earlier this week, university police joined the rarified ranks of police agencies with civilian administrators. The move represents what could be the beginning of change in the relationship between […]

Community Briefs

Cosby reaffirms plan to speak at UCB graduation Comedian Bill Cosby confirmed through his agent last week that he still plans to speak at UC Berkeley’s convocation ceremony in May. Campus organizers said yesterday that the move will help them complete their plans for the university-wide graduation ceremony. It had been unclear since the shooting […]

English department curriculum reconsidered

Friday, February 7, 1997 EDUCATION: Current requirements neglect minority, women’s textsBy Yvonne Champana Daily Bruin Contributor William Wordsworth, the poet who penned the masterpiece "Ode: Intimations of Immortality" is remembered in the Norton Anthology of English Literature as finding at Cambridge, "very little in the limited curriculum of that time to appeal to him. He […]