Star project combats racism with different approach

Tuesday, February 18, 1997 ACTIVISM: College students discuss race-related issues with teensBy J. Sharon Yee Daily Bruin Contributor Often, the university is seen as an isolated community within itself, rarely extending beyond its boundaries into the surrounding community. The Students Talk About Race (STAR) project seeks to bridge this gap through its efforts to ease […]

Community Briefs

Japanese internment camp survivors to speak Survivors of the Japanese internment camps are speaking today at UCLA as one highlight of the commemorative week for the American internment experience. "The Day of Remembrance is a very significant day in our community," said USAC Student Welfare Commissioner Miho Murai, who is Japanese American. "And I wanted […]

Strokes may be stopped by new procedure in neuroradiology

Friday, February 14, 1997 TECHNIQUE: Neuroperfusion therapy may prove to be useful to battle third biggest killerBy Kathryn Combs Daily Bruin Contributor Stroke, the third leading cause of death in the United States, claims over 500,000 lives each year and is the leading cause of disability. In the desperate search for an effective and standard […]

UCLA lab union protest planned

Friday, February 14, 1997 LAYOFFS: Unfair labor practice filed against university over restructuring, rehiring rightsBy Hannah Miller Daily Bruin Contributor The restructuring trend in healthcare ­ an outgrowth of corporate downsizing ­ has arrived at UCLA, to an increasingly stormy reception. On behalf of approximately 220 employees laid off from UCLA’s clinical laboratories, the University […]

Campaign helps students gain voice

Friday, February 14, 1997 USAC: ‘Our Millennium’ aims to reverse current decline in educationBy Stefanie Wong Daily Bruin Contributor Students may not have direct control over their education now, but if the undergraduate student council has its way, they will ­ by the next millennium. The Undergraduate Student Association Council’s (USAC) "Our Millennium" campaign is […]

Community Briefs

Regent Ward Connerly lobbies Republicans Ward Connerly, who helped steer California’s anti-affirmative action initiative to victory, lobbied Republican congressional leaders Wednesday to support his new effort to ban racial preferences at the federal level. "There is no public policy that is in more need of rehabilitation right now than affirmative action,” Connerly said in introducing […]

Cupid’s hits and misses

Friday, February 14, 1997 School romance intensifies with marriage proposal for alumniBy Carol McKay Daily Bruin Contributor hey tell the story differently, but who pushed who into the Hedrick 2 North typing room that night nine years ago isn’t important. What does matter is that Cheryl Brown and Jeff Patterson have been together ever since, […]