Students First! to face new party

Monday, 2/24/97 Students First! to face new party USAC: Supporters of oppostion slate cite ethics compromises, exclusivity of current government By Stefanie Wong Daily Bruin Contributor Next quarter’s Undergraduate Student Association Council (USAC) elections will see the absence of last year’s Greek-endorsed United Students slate. Instead, a new and currently unnamed party is likely to […]

Beyond your own background

Friday, February 21, 1997 Increasing numbers of students at UCLA and nationwide opt to experience studying abroadBy Yvonne Champana Daily Bruin Contributor Veronica Castillo enrolled in spring classes, and then opened the window of the guest house she was living in to look out upon the breathtaking Andes mountain range in Santiago, Chile. Castillo, a […]

Ovitz gives $25 million to medical center

Friday, February 21, 1997 DONATION: Pledge boosts campaign to fix earthquake damageBy Brooke Olson Daily Bruin Staff Former Walt Disney Co. President Michael Ovitz will give his alma mater $25 million to help rebuild the earthquake-damaged UCLA Medical Center. Ovitz, chair of the UCLA Medical Sciences executive board, was unavailable for comment. However, in a […]

Community Briefs

Drag racing on Sunset Boulevard results in death One man died and another was arrested on charges of gross vehicular manslaughter early Thursday morning after an accident on the northern border of UCLA. According to West Traffic Division of the Los Angeles Police Department, two cars ­ one a late model BMW MR3 and the […]

Task force presents new set of academic criteria

Friday, February 21, 1997 REGENTS: Standard not up to par, especially in mathematics, EnglishBy Tiffany Lauter Daily Bruin Contributor To prepare students for college and careers in the 21st century, it is critical they have access to rigorous courses in school, particularly in the areas of mathematics and English, and be held to higher performance […]