Community Briefs

Regents confirm new student member The UC Board of Regents voted unanimously Thursday to confirm the appointment of UC Santa Barbara graduate student Kathryn McClymond as the next student regent. McClymond is scheduled to begin her term in July, replacing current student board member Jess Bravin, who is a student at UC Berkeley’s Boalt School […]

Tossing ethnic diversities together

Tuesday, February 25, 1997 Students look on in dismay as racially segregated cliques season UCLA’s ‘diverse’ campusBy Linda Yoon Daily Bruin Contributor It’s a small world after all, and according to several professors and students, it’s getting even smaller. Although UCLA is a racially diverse university, many students feel they are unable to take full […]

UCLA Faculty holds forum to honor retiring chancellor

Monday, 2/24/97 UCLA Faculty holds forum to honor retiring chancellor YOUNG: Speakers will praise strong devotion to academic freedom By Gil Hopenstand Daily Bruin Staff The tributes just keep on coming. With his retirement only four months away, Chancellor Charles Young will be honored today by university faculty in a lecture and reception at Schoenberg […]

Peer Helpline provides benefits to staff, callers

Monday, 2/24/97 Peer Helpline provides benefits to staff, callers COUNSELING: Student volunteers balance stress of job with camaraderie, satisfaction of helping others By Gregory Mena Daily Bruin Contributor UCLA freshmen typically worry about choosing classes, finding a major and making some new friends. Why would any student add to these pressures by tackling the problems […]

Community Briefs

UCLA receives grant for dance/media project UCLA has won a $1.49 million grant from the Pew Charitable Trusts for the university’s National Dance/Media Project. "We are honored to receive this significant grant, which enable UCLA’s highly respected professionals in dance and multimedia to provide the eduction environment needed to train leaders in documenting America’s dance," […]

Teach-in participants demonstrate against lab layoffs

Monday, 2/24/97 Teach-in participants demonstrate against lab layoffs MEDICAL CENTER: Trend towards privitization blamed for job losses By Marie Blanchard Daily Bruin Senior Staff About 50 participants took a break from the two-day Labor Teach-In workshops on Friday and marched to the UCLA Medical Center protesting last month’s removal of 220 clinical laboratory workers from […]


Monday, 2/24/97 Going west At the UCLA teach-in, the American labor movement reaches out to students in Los Angeles, home of the nation’s largest population of manufacturing workers.By A.J.Harwin Daily Bruin Contributor National labor leaders convened in Moore Hall Thursday night, officially kicking off the first leadership meeting of the American labor movement ever held […]