Changes made to representation of Greek system

Wednesday, 2/26/97 Changes made to representation of Greek system Alterations in bylaw remove IFC, Panhellenic from duties By Stefanie Wong Daily Bruin Contributor Questions of exclusion and elitism have been raised by the Greek system with the recent change to the duties of the Undergraduate Student Association Council (USAC) general representatives. At the Feb. 18 […]

The word on the street

Wednesday, 2/26/97 The word on the street What happens after dark? Westwood regulars provide a glimpse into the nightlife of UCLA’s little college town. By Rachel Munoz and Michelle Navarro Daily Bruin Contributors As the sun goes down and the stars illuminate the sky, the noise created by the busy streets of Westwood Village is […]

Faculty association offers staff development workshop

Wednesday, 2/26/97 Faculty association offers staff development workshop Focus will be on enhancement of skills for the future By Teresa Jun Daily Bruin Contributor February, UCLA’s Career Month, is coming to a close, ending the series of workshops, seminars and job fairs devoted to the career development of UCLA students. But while these programs for […]

Community Briefs

Regents confirm new student member The UC Board of Regents voted unanimously Thursday to confirm the appointment of UC Santa Barbara graduate student Kathryn McClymond as the next student regent. McClymond is scheduled to begin her term in July, replacing current student board member Jess Bravin, who is a student at UC Berkeley’s Boalt School […]

Tossing ethnic diversities together

Tuesday, February 25, 1997 Students look on in dismay as racially segregated cliques season UCLA’s ‘diverse’ campusBy Linda Yoon Daily Bruin Contributor It’s a small world after all, and according to several professors and students, it’s getting even smaller. Although UCLA is a racially diverse university, many students feel they are unable to take full […]