Wednesday, 3/5/97 Visions of the Future From movie malls to parking lots, village will take on new face before the year 2000 By Rachel Munoz Daily Bruin Contributor The ideas surrounding the future of Westwood continue to plague the minds of the residents and merchants who live and work in the village. Many homeowners oppose […]
Category Archives: News
Visions of the Future
Wednesday, 3/5/97 Visions of the Future Residents hope village takes on cultural, art-oriented personality By Michelle Navarro Daily Bruin Contributor This could be the future of Westwood… The room bounces in unison with the bass of the music blaring through the speakers, a bartender mixes a screwdriver for the man at the edge of the […]
Unnamed slatemay challenge Students First!
Wednesday, 3/5/97 Unnamed slate may challenge Students First! Elections: New party seeks to reform government’s alleged comprimises on ethics, ideology. By Joshua Smith Daily Bruin Contributor Next quarter’s undergraduate student government elections mean many things to many groups across campus. But no where else is the issue so hotly contested than in the very halls […]
Community Briefs
Wednesday, March 5, 1997Talk radio host sues UC Berkeley A radio talk show host is suing UC Berkeley, claiming officials wouldn’t consider him a viable candidate for journalism dean because of his conservative politics. Michael Savage says he should have at least been interviewed. Savage was among 41 candidates for the job of dean of […]
Beer and a bong: Substance abuse at UCLA
Tuesday, March 4, 1997 Survey reveals UCLA students’ attitudes toward drinking and smoking marijuanaBy Allison Elmore Daily Bruin Contributor A seemingly endless river of beer engulfs his throat as the fraternity brother chugs yet again from the beer bong. His T-shirt, emblazoned with his Greek letters, grows damp with perspiration and the steady trickle of […]
Popularity of public transportation on the wane
Tuesday, March 4, 1997 MTA: Experts research ways to boost ridership as it hits 10-year lowBy Vicky Geeroms Daily Bruin Contributor "Build it and they will come." This statement has often been made in reference to public transportation. And having invested more than $4 billion on new rail projects over the last 10 years, the […]
Community Briefs
Berkeley’s Tau House may have to pay up UC Berkeley’s Tau House  which has battled for years with city rent regulators over whether it overcharged its predominantly foreign student residents  could be forced to slash its rent and reimburse tenants as the result of a court decision handed down last week. In a […]