Students, faculty discuss fate of chavez center

Thursday, March 6, 1997 ACTIVISM: Departmental evaluation provokes questions of exclusionBy Scott Stimson Daily Bruin Contributor In a meeting that alternated between calm and rational discourse and heated confrontation, student leaders, faculty and concerned students discussed the future of UCLA’s Cesar E. Chavez Center Wednesday afternoon. A hallmark in UCLA’s history, Chicano students along with […]

Bruin Democrats revoke support of Students First!

Thursday, March 6, 1997 USAC: Dominant party accused of lack of ethics, adequate representationBy Stefanie Wong Daily Bruin Contributor Growing tired of a student government that it believed was not inclusive, responsible or accountable, the Bruin Democrats recently pulled its support for the political party that is currently in control of the Undergraduate Student Association […]

African American detective fiction gains in popularity

Thursday, March 6, 1997 WRITERS: Novelists speak at Powell on development of mystery sub-genresBy Teresa Jun Daily Bruin Contributor Peals of laughter and applause roared between the closed walls of the Powell Library Rotunda last Tuesday afternoon as audience members listened attentively to a panel of lively guest speakers. The panel of speakers was featured […]

Community Briefs

UCLA specialist to be honored this month UCLA women’s health care specialist Dr. Mitzi Krockover will be honored by the Los Angeles County Commission for Women for her outstanding professional and personal achievements. Krockover is one of 12 women who will be recognized at the 12th Annual Women of the Year Awards Luncheon on Monday, […]

Community Briefs

Wednesday, 3/5/97 Community Briefs Bruins to face Bulldog rematch With its 11-game win streak at stake, the UCLA men’s tennis team will take on No. 19 Fresno State at 1:30 p.m. today at the Los Angeles Tennis Center. The Bruins (12-1, 2-0), who have been inactive for the past 10 days after capturing the National […]