Wednesday, 4/9/97 Election Feature Photos Sen. Tom Hayden, above, at Crenshaw District party, concedes mayoral race to incumbent Richard Riordan, who was re- elected by a 2-to-1 margin. May Lee Wang, bottom, and others don hats in support of Riordan at his Biltmore Hotel celebration.
Category Archives: News
Prop. 209 upheld by appeals court
Wednesday, 4/9/97 Prop. 209 upheld by appeals court Results delight some but provoke indignation from affirmative action supporters By Brooke Olson Daily Bruin Staff In a unanimous decision, a 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals board granted the state permission to enforce Proposition 209, which prohibits racial or gender discrimination in public hiring, contracting and […]
Riordan re-elected in 2-to-1 landslide
Wednesday, 4/9/97 Riordan re-elected in 2-to-1 landslide Polls marred by logistical mishaps, dismal voter turnout By John Digrado Daily Bruin Senior Staff In a local election that only garnered 19.6 percent of the registered vote, Mayor Richard Riordan won the voters’ approval to continue his tenure in the city of Los Angeles’ highest office for […]
Riordan re-elected in 2-to-1 landslide
Wednesday, 4/9/97 Riordan re-elected in 2-to-1 landslide Incumbent promises to continue down path set in 1993 By Brooke Olson Daily Bruin Staff Glamour and neon prevailed at the Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel on Tuesday night, as a myriad of Republicans and Democrats celebrated incumbent Mayor Richard Riordan’s victory. Party attendees dined on cheese bits and […]
Student-voter turnout expected to be low
Tuesday, 4/8/97 Student-voter turnout expected to be low Ambivalence, lack of political interests cause of record low numbers By Hiro Kuchida Daily Bruin Contributor Today marks an important date for Los Angeles. At the voting booths, Angelenos will have the opportunity to decide on the city’s next mayor and the future of Los Angeles’ charter. […]
Bruin OnLine now testing new Internet server for UCLA
Tuesday, 4/8/97 Bruin OnLine now testing new Internet server for UCLA Trial runs of server enable students to design, store their personal Web pages under way By Jean Chen Daily Bruin Contributor Soon, UCLA students and faculty will be able to be a part of the Web, instead of just surfing it. Bruin OnLine is […]
Tuesday, 4/8/97 Crimewatch Theft The Men’s Gym has been the site of a series of thefts as of late. In the first incident, a jacket and wallet valued together at $140 were taken sometime between 8 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. last Tuesday. Sometime between 1:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. on Saturday, a thief removed a […]