‘Matching’ links med students to their futures

Friday, 4/11/97 ‘Matching’ links med students to their futures Program assigns seniors to residency positions By Peggy Shen Daily Bruin Contributor Fourth-year medical students are having the time of their lives. Some are even on vacation right now. Those who are still at UCLA are finishing up and say they find things much less stressful. […]

Teaching assistants balance helping students with own studies

Thursday, 4/10/97 Teaching assistants balance helping students with own studies Enjoyment of teaching disrupted by long hours, overcrowding By Carol McKay Daily Bruin Contributor At 15-minute intervals, students enter 330 Haines, sit down at a computer and begin doing Adam Wetsman’s work for him. Wetsman, a graduate student researching his dissertation, is a busy person […]

From the heart

Thursday, 4/10/97 From the heart For youngsters and adults alike who have a history of heart disease, Camp del Corazon provides summer camp experience for a lifetime By Kathryn Combs Daily Bruin Contributor "I grow in confidence and hope knowing that there are people in the world with obstacles facing them as I face them." […]

Homeless children found to be lacking education

Thursday, 4/10/97 Homeless children found to be lacking education UCLA researchers find high eligibility, need for special services but low placement By Gregory Mena Daily Bruin Contributor Sometimes they are called the "invisible homeless" of Los Angeles County, living in cars or parks or on the beach, their number estimated at somewhere between 32,000 and […]

Class equips students to affect education

Thursday, 4/10/97 Class equips students to affect education Restructuring changes prompt course; students seek loud voice By Stefanie Wong Daily Bruin Contributor Formed out of a desire to change the university’s position on many educational issues, several student groups have created a new course devoted to giving students the information necessary to change the university’s […]

Community Briefs

Wednesday, 4/9/97 Community Briefs Chancellor recognized for ‘strong leadership’ UCLA Chancellor Charles Young will receive a Distinguished Service Award for Lifetime Achievement from the American Council on Education on April 15. Young, who is retiring June 30, has served 29 years as UCLA’s chancellor. "Chuck Young is an outstanding example of strong, creative leadership in […]

Measure 8 passes; city charter to be rewritten

Wednesday, 4/9/97 Measure 8 passes; city charter to be rewritten Initiative creates smaller districts, more citizen involvement By Hannah Miller and John Digrado Daily Bruin Staff Within two years, Los Angeles will be getting a new constitution. The passage of Proposition 8 with a 58 percent margin on Tuesday creates a 15-member committee charged with […]