Generating community roots

Friday, 4/18/97 Generating community roots Student group hopes to educate Sikhs about their heritage and culture By Judy Cha Daily Bruin Contributor Debased and misunderstood for wearing a turban for 14 years, Naindeep Chann, a first-year neuroscience and history student, decided it was time. Time to educate students at UCLA about the Sikh way of […]

Community Briefs

Wednesday, March 19, 1997 Legislature to consider UC campus at Merced Proposed legislation to help establish a new University of California campus in the San Joaquin Valley was recently passed along to its final hurdle prior to consideration by the California Legislature. Assembly Bill 1528, the Higher Education Bond Bill, will place a measure on […]

Groups rally in Meyerhoff for more aid to students

Friday, 4/18/97 Groups rally in Meyerhoff for more aid to students CALPIRG, USAC lend support for Internet-based petition By Frances Lee Daily Bruin Contributor About 60 percent of students at UCLA receive some form of financial aid. However, when the California Student Public Interest Research Group (CALPIRG) and the Undergraduate Students Association Council (USAC) tried […]

Scholarships, campus tours are main devices for recruitment

Thursday, 4/17/97 Scholarships, campus tours are main devices for recruitment University offers potential students many enticing programs By Mason Stockstill Daily Bruin Contributor As potential UCLA freshmen take guided tours around campus, there is a distinct, yet invisible demarcation among them: some of these students are being recruited by UCLA and other schools, and some […]

Researchers battle manufacturer

Thursday, 4/17/97 Researchers battle manufacturer Dispute tangles drug firm’s censorship vs. academic freedom By Brooke Olson Daily Bruin Staff The results of a 7-year-old UC San Francisco medical study were finally published Wednesday, ending a long dispute between the hospital and the company that sponsored the project. The battle has raised questions about academic freedom […]

Coalition presents Village Commons plan

Thursday, 4/17/97 Coalition presents Village Commons plan Alternate revitalization project focuses on arts, culture By Rachel Munoz Daily Bruin Contributor The crowded Garden Room at Macy’s hushed to whispers as Councilman Michael Feuer took his place in front of the microphone. Many Westwood residents, anxious for change, waited with open ears and minds as yet […]