Wednesday, 4/23/97 USAC candidates announce campaign platforms Ideas include improving financial aid, privatizing ASUCLA By Stefanie Wong Daily Bruin Contributor With the race to control the Undergraduate Student Association Council (USAC) well under way, four political parties have stepped forward in a fight for Kerckhoff Hall. The incumbent slate Students First! hopes to continue its […]
Category Archives: News
Tuesday, 4/22/97 CrimeWatch Theft The Men’s Gym continued to be a hot spot for petty theft, with $580 in property stolen from its premises this week. A bag containing $505 worth of property was taken from the locker room of the Men’s Gym last Monday, as well as $75 worth of property taken on Friday. […]
Dismal turnout focus of election concerns
Tuesday, 4/22/97 Dismal turnout focus of election concerns Key issues include involvement, bureaucratic efficiency By Frances Lee and Hector Ronquillo Daily Bruin Contributors If a government fell in the forest, and no one was there to hear it, would it exist? That’s the question that many graduate student government officials are asking. And the answer […]
Focusing on what counts
Tuesday, 4/22/97 Focusing on what counts Author, activist bell hooks discusses her work, and what it is to be a feminist By Michelle Navarro Daily Bruin Contributor Man-hater, ball-breaker, dyke, barking dog, femi-nazi, wild girl from hell … The labels feminists and women activists receive when examined through the critical lens of the public microscope […]
End of school is start of confusion for many seniors
Tuesday, 4/22/97 End of school is start of confusion for many seniors While some have definite plans in mind, others face anxiety as June approaches By Hiro Kuchida Daily Bruin Contributor Les Wong, a UCLA senior, is confused about what he’ll be doing come June when he graduates. On the other hand, Michelle Elliott, another […]
Case claims UC hospitals defraud patients
Tuesday, 4/22/97 Case claims UC hospitals defraud patients Physician fees may have been charged for surgery by residents By Hannah Miller Daily Bruin Senior Staff Alleging that UC Medical Centers regularly defraud and endanger patients undergoing surgery, a civil case filed late last week may force the hospitals to restructure their residency programs. The lawsuit, […]
Graduate students begin campaigns
Monday, 4/21/97 Graduate students begin campaigns Key issues include involvement, bureaucratic efficiency By A.J. Harwin Daily Bruin Contributor Contesting for seats in a government that is giving away plane tickets to lucky voters, candidates in Wednesday’s Graduate Students Association (GSA) election have officially begun their campaigns for office. All the candidates in the election claim […]