UCLA Dental School lays off staff, shuts down laboratories

Monday, 5/5/97 UCLA Dental School lays off staff, shuts down laboratories Employees may file legal action as university turns to outside contractors for work By Hannah Miller Daily Bruin Senior Staff UCLA’s ongoing restructuring of its medical center has made new inroads, causing the shutdown of the dental school’s teaching and professional laboratories and the […]

Proposal aims to integrate ethnic studies

Monday, 5/5/97 Proposal aims to integrate ethnic studies Teaching, research would share resources under plan; critics say changes threaten effectiveness of individual programs By Gregory Mena Daily Bruin Contributor "Everything is still in the talking phase and nothing has been decided," said Raymund Paredes, director of the Chavez Center, addressing the possible changes in UCLA’s […]

Hershey likely to give way to parking, offices

Monday, 5/5/97 Hershey likely to give way to parking, offices Quake damage cited as reason; students protest decision By Allison Elmore Daily Bruin Contributor In June 1998, approximately 300 UCLA students will be driven from their homes, literally. Currently, Hershey Hall is the only residence hall on campus that accommodates both graduate students and transfer […]

Community Briefs

Monday, 5/5/97 Community Briefs $1 million donated to UCSD Cancer Center SAN DIEGO — A leading Japanese biotechnology company has given the UC San Diego Cancer Center a $1 million endowment to create the Chugai Pharmaceutical Chair in Cancer. Osamu Nagayama, president of Japan’s Chugai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., presented UCSD Chancellor Robert Dynes with a […]

Administration, faculty debate merits of new funding system

Monday, 5/5/97 Administration, faculty debate merits of new funding system Plan created to maximize effectiveness of money given to schools By Mason Stockstill Daily Bruin Contributor As UCLA prepares to implement its new fund allocation system, administrators and faculty are working overtime to address any concerns regarding the new system before it is put in […]