Construction Corner

Thursday, 5/8/97 Construction Corner The demolition of Towell Library continues. Large trucks will enter and leave the site, congesting adjacent walkways and Westwood Plaza. Construction at Bruin Plaza and the Ackerman loading dock area continues as part of the L.A. Department of Water and Power water main location project. Parts of Bruin Walk and the […]

Students First! ad raises eyebrows, accusations

Thursday, 5/8/97 Students First! ad raises eyebrows, accusations Some are concerned ad may be endorsement by student government; no violations found By Stefanie Wong Daily Bruin Contributor Tension and paranoia ran high Wednesday, as candidates became more watchful of their competitors on the first day of Undergraduate Student Association Council (USAC) voting. Although candidates and […]

Students fear future education as merger comes to close

Thursday, 5/8/97 Students fear future education as merger comes to close University officials say opportunities, experience to be gained By Brooke Olson Daily Bruin Senior Staff As the proposed UCSF-Stanford hospital merger nears a tentative close, some students are becoming increasingly concerned about the future of their medical education. UC officials plan to turn over […]

Candidates muddy waters during debate

Wednesday, 5/7/97 Candidates muddy waters during debate Presidential hopefuls use forum to attack opposing parties By Mason Stockstill Daily Bruin Contributor Under the hot midday sun, five candidates for Undergraduate Students Association Council president convened in Westwood Plaza Tuesday for a debate to better acquaint students with their positions. The candidates included Ruben Garcia of […]

New Bruin Card to provide various expanded services

Wednesday, 5/7/97 New Bruin Card to provide various expanded services Starting in Fall Quarter, one card will replace previous system By Frances Lee Daily Bruin Staff For many students, their Bruin identification cards may have been the first item they possessed which was emblazoned with the UCLA logo. To those who have grown attached to […]

Candidates, platforms stress diversity, service

Wednesday, 5/7/97 Candidates, platforms stress diversity, service Aspiring leaders discuss plans before today’s ballot By Joshua Smith Daily Bruin Contributor With so many options in this year’s Undergraduate Student Association Council elections, parties have made their platforms more pronounced to attract voters’ attention. Unity ’97 has a clear objective that it feels is evident in […]