Students First! prepares next term’s agenda for council

Friday, 5/23/97 Students First! prepares next term’s agenda for council USAC: Group controls majority of seats, plans to stay on previous path By Stefanie Wong Daily Bruin Staff After spending thousands of dollars on signboards and flyers and hundreds of hours campaigning on Bruin Walk, Students First! has again gained control of the undergraduate student […]

Real Bruins

Thursday, 5/22/97 Real Bruins Resident Dr. Taaly Silberstein juggles 36-hour shifts at the UCLA Medical Center with raising two young children By Carol McKay Daily Bruin Contributor At 6:30 a.m. Tuesday, Dr. Taaly Silberstein wakes up to a big day ahead of her. Things would have been much better if she was waking up in […]

Diversity of law school admissions plunges

Thursday, 5/22/97 Diversity of law school admissions plunges Students say loss of affirmative action reduces UCLA’s appeal By Gregory Mena Daily Bruin Contributor The 1997 graduating class of the UCLA Law School could brag that no single ethnicity made up the majority of law students. With the elimination of affirmative action in admissions, this may […]

President-elect intends to continue, improve programs

Thursday, 5/22/97 President-elect intends to continue, improve programs Mosley plans to increase communication, expand general outreach By Stefanie Wong Daily Bruin Staff Although she never thought she’d win, Students First! member Kandea Mosley will take the over the helm this summer as the Undergraduate Students Association Council (USAC) 1997-1998 president. While the pattern of two-year […]

Strike opens with general support

Thursday, 5/22/97 Strike opens with general support Members work to coordinate campuses, unions, undergraduates By A.J. Harwin Daily Bruin Contributor Teaching assistants, readers and tutors were up early Wednesday morning to take to the picket lines around UCLA and show their support for the Student Association of Graduate Employees (SAGE/UAW). The sequel to last November’s […]

Construction over summer aims to revitalize village

Thursday, 5/22/97 Construction over summer aims to revitalize village Merchants worry about loss of business during closure, but excited about future By Rachel Munoz Daily Bruin Contributor "Westwood Village is getting a facelift!" announces a brochure rendering what the village hopes to look like after the improvements of the Streetscape Project. Until its scheduled finish […]