Construction Corner

Thursday, 6/5/97 Construction Corner Construction continues at the Science and Technology Research Building site. Delivery of construction materials may cause periodic traffic congestion along Midvale Alley. Construction continues at the Bradley International Students Center. Trucks entering and leaving the site will cause minor traffic congestion along Circle Drive West near Strathmore. Construction continues on the […]

Dalai Lama to share Buddhist beliefs at UCLA

Thursday, 6/5/97 Dalai Lama to share Buddhist beliefs at UCLA Tibetan spiritual leader teaches his ethic of nonviolence By Matt Grace Daily Bruin Contributor The Buddha never leaves. With the departure of one comes his reincarnation, perceived by monks in meditation, and isolated in a peasant mountain village. A half-century ago, monks traveled in search […]

GSA releases latest survey about sexual harassment

Thursday, 6/5/97 GSA releases latest survey about sexual harassment Task Force explores experiences of 2,000 graduate students By Mason Stockstill Daily Bruin Contributor The first survey on sexual harassment at UCLA since 1984 has hit the streets – but don’t expect it to fall into the hands of many undergraduate students. Because they feel that […]

Bicyclists journey across state in fund-raiser

Thursday, 6/5/97 Bicyclists journey across state in fund-raiser Riders brave 525 miles of road to help raise money for research By Monica Paknad Daily Bruin Contributor The fourth-annual California AIDS ride, the largest fund-raiser nationwide to benefit AIDS organizations, is well under way and scheduled to cruise into its final destination, Los Angeles, on Saturday. […]

Board of Directors consider ‘no sweatshop’ policy

Thursday, 6/5/97 Board of Directors consider ‘no sweatshop’ policy UCLA Store hopes endorsement of code of conduct will pressure manufacturers into adopting fairer labor standards By Frances Lee Daily Bruin Staff Walking through the UCLA Store, the prominent displays of Nike and Guess? merchandise might prick at the social consciences of many students. These days, […]

Gaining Access

Monday, 6/2/97 Gaining Access UCLA Students produce programs to be aired on public television By Kathy Young Daily Bruin Contributor You don’t need to be a member of Hollywood’s elite to be on television. These days, ordinary citizens have the opportunity to produce a variety of programs that range from live psychic readings to a […]

Students lead forum on Asian American activism in U.S.

Monday, 6/2/97 Students lead forum on Asian American activism in U.S. ASIAN-AMERICANS: Discussion encompasses many issues of minority community By Hannah Miller Daily Bruin Senior Staff Would Chairman Mao have listened to consciousness-raising hip-hop? For a Charles E. Young Grand Salon-full of Asian American activists, students and interested parents, the task was a difficult one: […]