National board suspends Lambda Chi chapter for alcohol violations

Monday, 7/14/97 National board suspends Lambda Chi chapter for alcohol violations FRATERNITY: Prompted by deaths, investigators strip members’ rights By Frances Lee Daily Bruin Senior Staff For nearly 70 years, there has been a Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity at UCLA. Last Friday, they lost the right to exist as an organization. The fraternity’s national board […]

Regents to consider extending benefits to domestic partners

Monday, 7/14/97 Regents to consider extending benefits to domestic partners BENEFITS: Atkinson’s support highlights issue of definition of ‘family’ By Hannah Miller Daily Bruin Senior Staff Domestic partner benefits may be coming to UC faculty, staff and students – after 40 other colleges and universities have already implemented them. Although various "soft" benefits (such as […]

Program prepares students for work

Monday, 7/14/97 Program prepares students for work ACTIVISTS: Participants taught about workers’ right to organize, form unions By Angela Paymard Daily Bruin Contributor The AFL-CIO’s Union Summer program is helping its participants do what most people only wish they could do: get involved in an extremely personally-fulfilling career. "A lot of people have anger about […]

Biking in a car’s world

Monday, 7/7/97 Biking in a car’s world Bicyclists support proposed improvements to encourage alternative ways to commute By Matt Grace Daily Bruin Contributor Commuters jam in endless lines of traffic along the arteries that lead to UCLA – but roughly 1,000 UCLA faculty and students avoid the daily grind by pedaling to work instead of […]