Selling UCLA

Monday, September 22, 1997 Selling UCLA FINANCE: Lucrative student store goes beyond textbooks to provide myriad services and products to campus community By Frances Lee Daily Bruin Senior Staff Beneath the arches on Ackerman Union, newly remodeled in Urban Outfitters-esque trendiness and too noticeable to miss, lies the ASUCLA’s cash cow. Bright, gleaming and brand-spanking […]

A blatantly unscientific survey of coolness at UCLA

Monday, September 22, 1997 A blatantly unscientific survey of coolness at UCLA TRENDS: By Meghan Ward Places to Study: In:Powell Lu Valle Home Jerry’s Deli Kerckhoff URL Out:Law Library Hang-Outs on Campus In:Lu Valle Bruin Walk Sculpture Garden Kerckhoff Courtyard Bruin Walk Cap T’ Go Out:Cooperage West LA Watering Holes In: Madison’s Formosa Cafe Liquid […]

Bilingual programs frustrate teachers, minority students

Monday, September 22, 1997 Bilingual programs frustrate teachers, minority students EDUCATION: Little support, lack of resources undermine native language instruction By Gregory Mena Daily Bruin Senor Staff In a Sun Valley classroom, William Chang teaches a lesson in science and challenges his students to compare the atmospheres of earth and Mars. The students at Fernangeles […]

A resource opens for international students

Monday, September 22, 1997 A resource opens for international students EDUCATION: Bradley Center will ease their transition into the U.S. By Yasmin Keyvan Daily Bruin Contributor The bright orange building standing at the base of Strathmore Avenue, between Gayley Avenue and Circle Drive, houses the Tom Bradley International Center that will aid international students. However, […]

Initiative would limit non-English teaching

Monday, September 22, 1997 Initiative would limit non-English teaching POLITICS: Supporters claim bilingual education a failure; opponents argue movement is an anti-immigrant attack By Gregory Mena Daily Bruin Senior Staff The newest California voter initiative is going to cause a political mess, no matter what language you speak. Activists behind the ‘English for the Children’ […]