Trudging towards tenure

Monday, September 29, 1997 Trudging towards tenure Historical barriers, discrimination and lag-time of change still contribute to lower percentage of women faculty members By Cindy Choi Daily Bruin Contributor Employment prospects for faculty have changed drastically since Maria-Goeppert Mayer worked as an unpaid "volunteer" instructor at the University of Chicago. In 1963, three years after […]

Construction delays cause space crunch, nixing student lounges

Monday, September 29, 1997 Construction delays cause space crunch, nixing student lounges ASUCLA: Rented meeting rooms are now available for student use at night By Patrick Kerkstra Daily Bruin Senior Staff The students’ association has been feeling the pinch in more areas than its balance sheet lately. Construction and financial need have combined to cause […]

USAC funds groups a month late

Monday, September 29, 1997 USAC funds groups a month late BUDGET: Interfraternity Council claims bias in money-allocation process By Stefanie Wong Daily Bruin Staff With money in hand and base budgets approved, student government offices and student-advocacy groups can now begin regular operations for the 1997-98 academic year. The approval of the Undergraduate Student Association […]

Skimping on the Hygiene

Friday, September 26, 1997 Skimping on the Hygiene American men spend less on toiletries than men in many other countries. Is it a protest against cleanliness or simply a cultural difference? By Michelle Navarro Daily Bruin Contributor Melissa eagerly swung open the door, and what she saw made her heart skip a beat. There Sam […]

Peer-mentoring program targets learning disabilities

Friday, September 26, 1997 Peer-mentoring program targets learning disabilities STRESS: Fellow students offer studying methods, moral support, advice By Stacy Cohen Daily Bruin Contributor Emma LeRoch once ran a food distribution business in the heart of Paris. Years later, after deciding to pursue a degree in religious studies, she experienced doubts about entering a university. […]

UC Regents merge UCSF and Stanford

Friday, September 26, 1997 UC Regents merge UCSF and Stanford HOSPITAL: Proponents claim center will improve care, but legality of decision questioned By Hala Ali Daily Bruin Senior Staff Last Wednesday, the University of California Regents made the highly controversial decision to merge the UCSF and Stanford hospitals, creating an economic healthcare giant. After two […]

Teach-in at law school expresses Prop. 209 concerns

Friday, September 26, 1997 Teach-in at law school expresses Prop. 209 concerns LAW SCHOOL: Three-hour discussion addresses misconceptions and issues of affirmative action By Sharon Yee Daily Bruin Contributor It was a backlash against the backlash. The courtyard of the UCLA Law School quickly transformed into a forum of open dialogue and discussion Wednesday, as […]