Friday, October 3, 1997 When I grow up I want to … teach yoga? JOBS: UCLA graduates sometimes find that their careers shift away from their pre-laid plans By Carol McKay Daily Bruin Staff Political science student LeAnne Schwartz had no idea that she’d end up in the food business, let alone running a million-dollar […]
Category Archives: News
First person:Celebrities and Causes
Friday, October 3, 1997 First person: Celebrities and Causes A Daily Bruin reporter was working with a land-mine charity this summer when Princess Diana’s death caused a surge of response for this cause. She tells of her work and experiences. By Cecelia Fuentes Daily Bruin Contributor This summer, in the time-honored tradition of students everywhere, […]
Three suspects sought in local thefts
Friday, October 3, 1997 Three suspects sought in local thefts WESTWOOD: UCLA’s large number of vehicles proves a tempting target for criminals, as cameras reveal By Allison Elmore Daily Bruin Contributor Do not allow the white picket fences of Westwood homes and the idyllic hills of surrounding Bel-Air to deceive you. UCLA and its environs […]
Budgeting for reality
Friday, October 3, 1997 Budgeting for reality BUDGET: USAC student groups and SAGs have received only 21.2 percent of their requested monies, which barely covers basic organizational costs By Stefanie Wong Daily Bruin Staff There’s a difference between what you want and what you get – especially when you ask for over $850,000. Student government […]
The people who are starting college this fall…
Thursday, October 2, 1997 The people who are starting college this fall… FEATURE: Were born in 1980. Were conceived after the Iranian hostage crisis occurred. Have no memory of a time before M-TV. "New Wave" is their PARENTS musical generation. Cyndi Lauper, Boy George, the Pretenders, the Kinks, the Sex Pistols-are all old music they […]
Citizens: Arm youselves!
Thursday, October 2, 1997 Citizens: Arm youselves! ROTC: No, this is not a hallucination. UCLA’s Army ROTC mounted a "mock occupation" of Royce Quad on Tuesday and Wednesday. The mission: to introduce the UCLA community to the ROTC and to highlight its ethnic and gender diversity. Was it successful? Well, ROTC representatives estimated that between […]
Johnson denies assault charges
Thursday, October 2, 1997 Johnson denies assault charges FIGHT:Student contends he was attacked by star basketball player Sunday By Frances Lee and Tim Yun Daily Bruin Senior Staff Another chapter was added to the continuing saga surrounding the UCLA men’s basketball team Tuesday. Jevon Hatcher, a fourth-year English student, filed a police report two days […]