Role of women excluded in UC discussion on Princess’ death

Tuesday, October 28, 1997 Role of women excluded in UC discussion on Princess’ death HISTORY Audience protests lack of female voice in all-male forum By Michelle Navarro Daily Bruin Contributor There was a sense of overwhelming irony surrounding the unfortunate death of Princess Diana this summer. So when three UC academics held a discussion on […]

Rolling punches

Tuesday, October 28, 1997 Rolling punches VIOLENCE The eighth-annual Skate Against Violence Campaign travels 450 miles in a visible confirmation of their opposition to gangs and crime By Quyen Ta Daily Bruin Contributor Though some of us may have rollerbladed along Santa Monica Pier or Venice Beach before, not many of us can say that […]

Community Briefs

Tuesday, October 28, 1997 Community Briefs UCLA Mideast experts say war is nigh War in the Mideast is more likely now than at any other time in the 1990s, according to "Peace Pulse," a joint project of the UCLA Center for International Relations and Israel Policy Forum. Peace Pulse uses 14 indicators to compile a […]

Breast cancer center director settles into job

Tuesday, October 28, 1997 Breast cancer center director settles into job CANCER CENTER Helena Chang hopes to translate research findings to servicable clinical practices By Kathryn Combs Daily Bruin Contributor When you walk into Dr. Helena Chang’s office you’ll find her surrounded by boxes. While this may not be the atmosphere that traditionally produces excellence […]