New ASUCLA executive director’s past experience to stand him in good stead

The incoming Associated Students UCLA executive director plans to use his engineering and business background to approach the association’s ongoing financial issues. UCLA alumnus Pouria Abbassi will begin his term Feb. 28, succeeding Robert Williams, who was appointed executive director in 2005. Williams announced his retirement at the Jan. 27 board of directors meeting, but […]

Students of color celebrate MLK, identities with speeches, poetry

At an event Wednesday night, students commemorated Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy by delivering speeches that alluded to King’s final speech. UCLA Residential Life, the Afrikan Student Union and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. hosted the 30th Annual MLK Oratorical Competition to kick off Black History month. The event featured seven student speakers who were […]

Former Reagan adviser encourages political debate among students

A policy adviser to former President Ronald Reagan said at an event Wednesday he thinks fascism has always been a fundamentally leftist ideology. Dinesh D’Souza, who worked for Reagan between 1987 and 1988 and is a conservative writer, said he thinks Democrats’ belief in political correctness and conformity is comparable to fascism. About 200 people […]

Photo: Wednesday’s demonstration outside Royce Hall supported activist Ahed Tamimi

Around 25 people demonstrated outside Royce Hall on Wednesday afternoon to protest the arrest of Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi, who faced charges from Israeli authorities this week after a video of her assaulting an Israeli soldier stationed outside her home was posted on social media. Tamimi’s military trial was originally scheduled for Wednesday but was postponed […]

Law school opens clinic to provide free documentary film law assistance

Independent documentary filmmakers can now receive free legal assistance from a new clinic at the UCLA School of Law. The Documentary Film Legal Clinic, which launched this month as part of the Ziffren Center for Media, Entertainment, Technology and Sports Law, helps documentary filmmakers with legal issues they face, including copyright law and public records […]

UCLA Transportation partners with uberPOOL to create flat-rate promotion

Students can travel anywhere within a five-mile radius from campus for a flat rate of $5.99 starting Thursday. To use the service, students will need to register or update their Uber accounts with their UCLA emails and apply a promotion code, which is available on the UCLA Transportation website and will also be sent out […]

USAC holds town hall to discuss allocating surplus funds to student groups

Students called on the undergraduate student government to allocate surplus funds to different campus groups Tuesday night. The Undergraduate Students Association Council held the USAC Student Fee Surplus Town Hall to hear from various student groups vying for funds. The council learned earlier this month that due to a university accounting error, it had more […]