In light of the university’s decision to lay off faculty members throughout the college, students from Steve Peterson’s Communication Studies 156 class used theoretical knowledge to advocate for the reinstatement of 12 lecturers from the communication studies department, including Peterson himself.
Category Archives: Campus
Language departments face program changes, including foreign language requirement
Although bridge funding allocations have promised temporary relief to the Humanities departments in the upcoming school year, language departments are facing the possibility of drastic program changes, including the modification of the undergraduate foreign language requirement.
Covel tutorials to return to UCLA next year
The university recently reallocated funds to allow the Covel tutoring programs to return next year.
Swastikas found in UCLA medical plaza
Two incidences of anti-Semitic vandalism have occurred at 300 Medical Plaza in the past month, according to university police.
Newly signed health reform could affect whether UCLA students purchase SHIP
The health care bill signed into law on March 23 consisted of a number of significant reforms, including allowing young adults to remain under their parents’ health insurance until they are 26 years old.
Lawrence Pitts appointed as provost and executive vice president for academic affairs for the UC
Professor Emeritus Lawrence Pitts was appointed as provost and executive vice president for academic affairs of the University of California system at last week’s UC Board of Regents meeting.
Around 300 students gather for ‘Underground Undie Run’
Clad in nothing but their undergarments, around 300 students took part in an unofficial “Underground Undie Run” on March 17, continuing the quarterly tradition in spite of disapproval from administrators and student leadership.