Retirement still feels like a lifetime away for Tobias Higbie.
Category Archives: Campus
UCLA School of Nursing adds iPod Touches with medical applications to syllabus
At the end of every fall quarter, a ceremony is held to signify the transition of third-year nursing students into their clinical studies.
Globetrotting UCLA physicist and professor Charles Whitten dies at 70
Charles “Chuck” Whitten, a longtime physics professor, died suddenly at his home on Saturday.
Hundreds brave the cold to participate in student-led finals week tradition of Undie Run
Cold December nights don’t always call for jackets or scarves.
Undie Run 2010
Students ran through campus Wednesday night at midnight to de-stress from finals and celebrate the end of fall quarter.
Vandals paint USC in blue and gold
A group of UCLA students wrote “UCLA” on the turf of the USC Cromwell track early Friday morning using bottles filled with eight gallons of blue and gold acrylic paint.
UCLA students undress to de-stress in Wednesday’s Undie Run
About 2,000 students are expected to participate in this quarter’s underground Undie Run, which will occur Wednesday at midnight.