Pre-health honor society Alpha Epsilon Delta and ORL host Tri-Healthalon, an annual health and career fair

More UCLA undergraduate students apply to medical school than to any other graduate program.

Vivy Tran is a second-year physiological science student who plans on following this track.
Tran is an officer of Stroke Force, where she has been able to bring medicine out of the classroom by interviewing patients and shadowing doctors in an emergency room.

Students interested in gaining similar experiences will be able to learn about on-campus health organizations tonight, when UCLA pre-health honor society Alpha Epsilon Delta and the Office of Residential Life host their annual health and career fair, the Tri-Healthalon.

The fair aims to connect pre-health students with student groups on campus to provide intensive academic counseling for those preparing to apply to health-related graduate schools, said Christina Fong, a third-year neuroscience student and Alpha Epsilon Delta’s main coordinator for the Tri-Healthalon.

A wide variety of health-related groups will be present, including global medical initiatives and community-based health outreach groups.

Representatives from Covel’s Academics in the Commons will present pre-health workshops and Q-and-A sessions that will cover the basics of applying to graduate programs in the health field, Fong said.

USAC’s Student Empowerment Panel hopes to give students tools to manage their finances in troubled times

While most graduating seniors are worrying about life after college, Don Andres is just hoping to get through his last year in college.

Andres, a fourth-year political science and public affairs student, hopes to graduate in the spring, but faces the possibility of staying for an extra quarter because he cannot enroll in the classes he needs.

“Right now, I’m enrolled in classes I don’t need because I’m having a tough time getting into the upper-division classes that I do need,” Andres said.