One academic department at UCLA has found an unusual luxury to help it weather budget cuts: professors teaching for free.
Category Archives: Campus
Apartment Fair helps students with apartment hunting in Westwood
Carina Martin recently spent hours wandering around Westwood searching for the perfect apartment.
New UC-wide holistic admissions policy approved
San Diego “”mdash; Tierra Moore applied to UCLA in the fall of 2008 with a 3.4 GPA.
Tech-savvy professors take to tweeting
Logging onto Facebook, Twitter and Blogspot are all part of a hard day’s work for Professor Robert R.
Hedrick dining hall closed until Thursday for roof construction
Hedrick dining hall will be closed until dinner on Thursday while construction crews install a new roof as part of renovation efforts on the Hill.
Professor Stuart Biegel will lecture on his findings about pre-college LGBT discrimination at UCLA School of Law’s ‘The Right to be Out’
Armando Huipe had known for more than seven years that he was gay, but he did not come out after his high school graduation.
“I was playing a role at school and at home,” said Huipe, a fourth-year English student and president of Delta Lambda Phi, UCLA’s fraternity for gay, bisexual and progressive men.
UCLA begins selecting pilot online courses, focusing on increasing access to impacted lower-division classes
UCLA students are one step closer to taking online courses for full credit.