UCLA’s LArge Plasma Device helps understand universe, create innovative technology through experimentation with artificial plasma

Somewhere in the midst of the Westwood underground lies a 19 meter-long machine.

The LArge Plasma Device, as it is officially called, produces plasma in artificial form and takes high-speed photos of the material, which is so volatile that it splits apart in a millionth of a second.

Plasma is the most common state of matter in the universe, found in stars and the space between them.

Athletes become pen pals with local students through UCLA Athletics’ Adopt a Classroom program

Six-year-old Jadon Graiwer was ecstatic when he learned he and his classmates would be pen pals with a UCLA athlete.

“I don’t want to be a Trojan room,” Graiwer said about the possibility of his first-grade classroom pairing up with a USC athlete.