Student-developed app gains popularity

Like many young entrepreneurs, Zachary Spitulski began with a simple idea conceived in a college dorm room.
While sitting around his computer with a few friends during winter quarter, Spitulski, a second-year Design | Media Arts student, brainstormed an idea for a computer application that would let users create and view virtual flashcards on their computers, as well as allow them to sync their cards to their smart phones.
“Something like that would be hugely successful, especially at a university,” Spitulski said.

JazzReggae to inspire music lovers to go green

This year’s JazzReggae Festival puts a strong emphasis on sustainability, including two water-bottle refilling tents and an expanded education tent.
While last year’s event had one refilling tent and a tent with information about sustainability-minded student groups, this year’s initiatives will be bigger and more interactive, said Michelle Horak, JazzReggae’s director of sustainability and a fourth-year world arts and cultures student.
“We’re trying to get people who are excited about music excited about sustainability, too,” Horak said.

UCLA continues water conservation despite end of drought

After a state-wide drought declaration in 2008, UCLA was technically exempt from water use restrictions by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.

But the university decided to join the conservation effort anyway, said Rich Ohara, UCLA senior grounds superintendent.

That push toward water conservation will continue despite last week’s announcement by Gov.